What is a Federation? Factors helping in the formation of a Federation and Features of a Federation :

Federation is the form of government which comes into existence by merging together of two or more small states.
The term ‘Federation’ has been derived from a Latin word ‘foedus’ which means ‘agreement’ or ‘treaty’.Literally,federation means a contract between the small states to form a new state.
When sovereign and independent states, either because they are too weak to resist foreign aggression individually or because they remain economically backward by standing alone,voluntarily agree to unite, they form a federal union.A new state is, thus,formed to which the hitherto sovereign states surrender their sovereignty and agree to become its component parts,which are known by different names such as States in the USA, Australia and India, Provinces in Canada and Cantons in Switzerland.

Factors helping in the formation of a  Federation :

(1) Geographical Proximity:

It is essential for the states which are willing to form a federation.If the states are far off from each other , it is difficult to create the spirit of organization and mutual help among them.There was no geographical unity between the West and East Pakistan, which was responsible for the creation of Bangladesh.There is geographical unity in the USA,Canada and India and it is easy to maintain unity in these countries.

(2) Desire to form a Union:

Formation of a federation is possible, if the free states have the will to form it. When the states are prepared to give some powers to a common centre and intend to keep some powers with them for the protection of local interests,a federation is formed with national unity.

(3) Similarity of Social and Political Institutions:

If there is a similarity of social and political institutions, union becomes quite easy. It is difficult to create unity, if there are many dissimilarities among the institutions of the states.

(4) Adequate Economic Resources:

A federation is relatively an expensive mechanism. Here both the central as well as the state governments should have adequate economic resources available to them to be financially independent. Economic inequality will create conflict among different units which may lead to the disintegration of the federation.

(5) Political Education:

The federation being a complicated system of government, will be successful only if people  are politically competent and enlightened. The dual allegiance to the central and regional governments requires a proper balance which can be achieved only by intelligent, politically awakened and mature persons.

(6) National Feelings:

The success of a federation is also rooted in the presence of national feelings among the people. People should be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of the unity of the country. A federation can face economic and political crisis, but on the basis of national unity and able leadership,a country can overcome these sort of crisis easily.

Features of a Federation:

A federation has following features:

(1) Division of Powers:

The powers must be divided between the centre and the states by the constitution. As in India, powers have been divided into three lists i.e Union list, State list and Concurrent list. The centre can legislate on Union list,the state can make laws on the State list and both can legislate on the subjects of Concurrent list.The residuary powers lies with the central government.

(2) Written Constitution:

A federation must have a written constitution so that the powers of central government and the units may be clearly defined to avoid conflicts.

(3) Supremacy of the Constitution:

It is necessary in a federation. The constitution must be considered as supreme to all other laws and institutions. It ensures the autonomy of the units.

(4) Rigid Constitution:

Rigid constitution is necessary in a federation.The states should have a right to participate in the amendment of the constitution so that the central government may not amend it arbitrarily.

(5) Independent Judiciary:

A federation must have an independent and impartial judiciary to decide the disputes between the centre and the states. Independent Judiciary alone can safeguard the interests of the constituent units.

(6) Double set of Government:

In a federation there should be a double set of government, one set of the centre and the other set of the units.

(7) Bi- Cameralism:

The federal legislature should be bicameral. The lower house should represent the nation as a whole and the upper house should represent the units of the federation.

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