Notes of Chapter 5 Legislature: Political Science: Class 11: Part 2

Q. What are the privileges of the members of the Parliament?
Ans: Several special privileges are available to the members of the Parliament so that they can carry out their functions in a free manner.They enjoy freedom of speech in their respective Houses and freedom from arrest during the sessions of the Parliament.

Q.How can you say that ‘Upper House ‘ is permanent in Bi-Cameral legislature?

Ans: We can say that the Upper House is permanent in Bi-Cameral legislature as in India the Rajya Sabha is never dissolved and one third of it’s members get retired after every two years and new members are elected. Each member of Rajya Sabha enjoy the tenure of six years.

Q. Who is the chairman of the Rajya Sabha and what are its powers and functions?

Ans: The Vice President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.He is not the member of the House.
He performs the following functions.
1) He presides over the meetings of Rajya Sabha and conducts its proceedings.
2) He maintains discipline and decorum in the House.
3) He can stop a member from speaking if a  member uses the un-parliamentary language.
4) He has the power to suspend the meetings of the House.
5) In case of a tie over any measure for legislation, he has a casting vote.

Q What are the special powers of the Rajya Sabha?

Ans: The Rajya Sabha enjoys following special powers.
* Under article 249, the Rajya Sabha alone can pass a resolution by 2/3rd majority declaring a subject of the State List as a subject of national importance.
* Article 312 of the constitution empowers the Rajya Sabha to create one or more new All India Services.
*The Rajya Sabha alone can initiate the process for removing the Vice President .

Q.How is the Rajya Sabha less powerful than the Lok Sabha?

Ans: The powers of Rajya Sabha are less than the powers of Lok Sabha.The Rajya Sabha can only delay the passing of Money Bills for 14 days.It does not have any real and effective control on the executive. Ministers are responsible to the Lok Sabha and not to the Rajya Sabha. In joint session of the Parliament, the say of Lok Sabha prevails because of its larger membership.

Q. What is the utility of the Rajya Sabha?

Ans: Despite the fact that the Rajya Sabha is a weak chamber,its importance can’t be overlooked. The utility of Rajya Sabha is reflected by the following points.
* The Rajya Sabha is representative of senior leaders and able persons.It provides experienced and socially useful service to the nation as 12 members are nominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha from among the persons who have achieved excellence in different fields.
* As a quasi- permanent House, the Rajya Sabha is a source of stability. When the Lok Sabha stands dissolved and some urgent work has to be done,it can be got done by the Rajya Sabha.
* Rajya Sabha acts as a helping House.It lessons the burden of the Lok Sabha as some bills can be first introduced in the Rajya Sabha.
* It acts as a revising chamber. It plays equal role with the Lok Sabha in the process of amendment of the constitution and the election of the President and Vice President.
* It also exercises some special powers.

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